Friday, January 27, 2012

69 Scotty HiLander

This was the beginning of my contracting Vintage Aluminitis. Just looking for a camper to leave in the woods someplace. This was was found on Craiglist, checked it out, knew it would need some "minor" work. Now that could be a story in itself. Anyway, after purchasing it and looking it up on the web, I discovered people are restoring these classics. Oh NO! I just can't fix it up for the woods, it has to be done right.
As this was my first, and before you think it may be fun, I refer you to : , really, before you go any further.

Well, let's get into it.

Doesn't look to bad from the outside. This is how it looked on it's trip home.
Well, once we really see it....

This dinette area may not look to bad, but wait til you see the right side floor and wall.

Below, under rear bunk, note side wall damage as well.

More ceiling, inside cabinet damage.
The range and sink area as acquired

Refurbishing of the same area:

Cleaned, primed and painted.

Sanding in process of counter area.

Stove and sink/counter refurbished.

Cleaning up the sink and counter area.

View of rear under skin

Removing the edge trim for "peeling off the skin, bumper to bumper

One of my misadventures prior to my being able to get this into the garage. A portable garage seemed much better than nothing until the wind got a hold of it.

Below is the front curb side skin removed, immediately forward of the door.

Above view shows all rot from front removed and new wood in, you can see the entire roof peeled off.

All new rear wood and, bunk structure with storage area added in and to the right you can see the water tank. The blue background is simply part of the bunk cover leaned up.
The windows are framed and will be cut out, you can also see the sky light framing, what I think makes this camper special.

You can see cut outs for the original tail lights which had not worked in years (PO had added a second set) but I have got them working.
All spaces between framing are fitted tight with 3/4" blue board.

Finished interior shots:

1 comment:

  1. Wow , Thanks for the photos, surprized no one has commented .My I ask how long it took you to finish your project? .You have done a great job BTW. Cheers
